Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan

Solving Airport Operation Challenges with Advanced Digital Solutions

– AI, Big Data, Automation

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As air travel continues to increase across the world, airports must keep pace with growing demand while successfully balancing passenger expectations and operations efficiency. Technology and digitization are the driving factors to ensure airports are ready to address challenges of today and tomorrow.

Download this vBook today to learn more about how digital solutions can solve airport challenges.


Factors to determine what advanced digital solutions need to be deployed at your airport


Benefits of advanced digital solutions at airports


Case history of successful integration of an advanced digital solution at an international airport

Airport Digital Solutions

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Shantanu Gangakhedkar


Shantanu Gangakhedkar

Shantanu has 7+ years of experience in aerospace consulting, specializing in Airports and Airlines, with a recognized expertise in Sustainability and Digitization.

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Frost & Sullivan has partnered with clients for more than 60 years, developing growth strategies centered on innovation, disruptive technologies, emerging markets, Mega Trends, and new business models.

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