Stay Ahead of Threats with AI-powered Identity Security
A Guide to Securing Your Workforce and Customer Identity
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Every digital interaction between an organization and its workforce or its customers is a potential vulnerability. Identity or credential theft is one of the leading cybersecurity risks and companies must adopt a robust identity security posture to protect their employees’ and customers’ data.
Artificial intelligence (AI) helps to automate routine tasks and provide identity intelligence to ensure that bad actors cannot gain access to company networks or move laterally. Download this vBook to learn how to avoid identity threats with AI-powered identity security.
This vBook provides insight on:
Life cycle of an identity attack
Different layers of identities in an organization
Examples of successful deployment of AI solutions
With 20 years of business research experience, Deepali Sathe is the lead analyst for Frost & Sullivan’s Identity Security, which covers identity & access management (IAM) and fraud detection & prevention (FDP).
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