— Executive Think Tank Dinner —
Elevating Customer Loyalty in 2024:
Achieving “Channel-less” Excellence
Alexander Michael
Vice President, Global Practice Area Leader
Frost & Sullivan
Thursday, 12 September 2024
5:30 PM – 8:30 PM CEST
Park Hyatt Zürich
Beethovenstrasse 21,
Zürich, Switzerland 8002
Join us for an unforgettable evening and discussion with your CX peer group.
What does customer loyalty look like as a long-term success strategy in 2024?
Which aspects of customer service deliver the greatest benefits to loyalty?
How can brands energise their contact centres to enhance the lifetime value of each customer?
What is the optimal tech-stack to elevate customer loyalty?
What is the best way to measure loyalty?
At this invitation only dinner and think tank moderated by Frost & Sullivan’s Principal CX Analyst, Alexander Michael, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with peers to both debate and collaborate on how to build a unified approach to customer service that stimulates loyalty at all touchpoints.
Henriette Jehnert
Global Head of Multichannel Contact Center
Aline Borges
Senior CX/CRM Business Consultant
Orange Business
Lea Marmet
Head of Customer Experience
Ian Ballantyne
Simon Smit
Head of Cross Channel Customer Experience Evolution
Silvia Cadeddu
Customer Service Lead
Anne-Sophie Guitton
Solution Architect Customer Interaction Management
Luis Bosshard
Director, Customer Care Center
Generali Schweiz
Stefan Tesche
Head of Global Customer Experience
Nick Clayton
Customer Care Operations Manager
Felix Kaiser
Head of Customer Journeys
Heiko Kuhn
What is an Executive Think Tank Dinner?
Why should I participate?
- Share & Learn Best Practices: Engage in strategic conversations with your peers. The open, candid discussions you have will spark creative thinking and help you formulate new ideas for implementation.
- Increase Your Peer-to-Peer Network: Connect with other senior level leaders in your industry on a more intimate level.
- Get Access to a Frost & Sullivan Analyst: Engage with our industry experts to gain additional insights and ask them your questions.
- Demonstrate Your Industry Expertise: The insights, feedback and best practices shared by you will be part of an upcoming Frost & Sullivan article. Through your participation, both you and your company will be positioned as a leader.
Will I have the option to be quoted or not?
As an output of this discussion, Frost & Sullivan will produce an article titled: Elevating Customer Loyalty in 2024. All participants will receive a complimentary copy of the final article and have the option to be quoted or not.
Will I get a copy of the final content once published?
Will you accommodate my dietary restrictions?
Yes! We understand the importance of dietary restrictions and allergies and want to ensure that all participants feel comfortable and have an enjoyable experience.
What is the location of the restaurant?
This Executive Think Tank Dinner will be held in Park Hyatt Zürich, Beethovenstrasse 21, Zürich, Switzerland 8002. The location of the restaurant will be shared with participants upon registration.