From OCM to OCF: Lessons Learned and What’s Next
The Oncology Care Model (OCM), created by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), is set to end by 2022. As oncology practice administrators prepare to move from OCM to the proposed Oncology Care First (OCF) model, some are approaching it with trepidation. With any temporary program, it is important to take a step back and understand what worked and what didn’t so that participating practices can be prepared for the next value-based care reimbursement model.

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Download this complimentary article to discover:
- The challenges oncology practices experienced with OCM and the anticipated changes and requirements for moving to OCF
- Why oncology practices will need additional digital technology tools, operations, AI and cognitive learning machines
- How experiences gained with OCM will facilitate a faster adoption of OCF
- Why physician buy-in will be essential in the adoption of OCF
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